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Faites Votre Patrimoine – exposition

HdS - Faites Votre Patrimoine - JEP 2014 - Faubourg de Béthune  (7)

Exposition Ι 2014 Ι Faubourg de Béthune, Lille (59)

Dans le cadre de son action sur le quartier de Faubourg de Béthune à Lille, l’association a co-réalisée avec les Archives Départementales du Nord, la Mairie de quartier et l’association la Vie de Chantier, une exposition sur l’histoire du quartier au 20e siècle.

Cette exposition regroupait documents et photographies d’archives originaux, explications historiques et témoignages d’habitants. Elle a été présentée lors des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine les 20 et 21 septembre 2014 et est restée visible pendant plusieurs semaines après.
Cette exposition s’inscrit dans le continuité du travail entrepris depuis 2013 par Histoire de Savoir(s) sur le patrimoine et la mémoire du Faubourg de Béthune et qui continuera en 2015 – notamment avec une campagne de récolte d’archives privées et de témoignage d’habitants.

Réalisation graphique : Nicolas Sekulak

Lille/Wroclaw – Echange de jeunes

Crédit photo : Matthias Crépel

Echange de jeunes franco-polonais Ι Photographie, graphisme Ι juillet 2013

Jeudi 4 juillet 2013, 3.15 du matin. Nous nous retrouvons à la gare Lille Europe pour prendre la navette qui nous amènera à l’aéroport. Nous, 9 jeunes Lillois âgés de 20 à  28 ans sommes sur le point de partir pour Wrocław en Pologne sur un projet d’échange de jeunes d’une durée de 10 jours.

Le voyage a pour but de rassembler 9 Français et 9 Polonais pour travailler sur les similitudes entre les deux villes que sont Lille et Wrocław, qu’elles soient relatives à l’histoire, l’architecture ou au dynamisme culturel. Afin de mettre en parallèle leurs évolutions historiques, différents outils pédagogiques visuels seront utilisés tel que le graphisme et la photographie.

A notre arrivée après une longue journée de voyage, nous sommes chaleureusement accueillis par nos collaborateurs polonais dans une très agréable auberge de jeunesse écologique se situant non loin du centre ville.

Dès le lendemain, après les présentations générales et quelques animations qui permettent d’instaurer le cadre dynamique, nous nous répartissons en 3 groupes de travail. Les participants se mettent donc dans la peau d’historiens, de graphistes et de photographes.

A partir de ce moment, les photographes partent à la découverte de la ville pour prendre différents clichés de Wrocław en compagnie d’une partie des jeunes polonais. Leur travail consiste ensuite à juxtaposer leurs photos avec les clichés pris à Lille avant le voyage afin de sélectionner des duos d’images cohérents.

C’est alors que le groupe « histoire » se plonge des siècles, grâce à l’ouvrage Microcosm de Norman Davies, en arrière afin d’explorer le passé des monuments et des sites photographiés, le but étant de faire émerger une comparaison pertinente de l’évolution des deux métropoles au cours de ces derniers siècles.

Enfin les graphistes, quant à eux, récupèrent toute la matière créée par les deux autres groupes pour les inclure à une superbe frise chronologique. Celle-ci sert alors de repères pour les visiteurs lors de l’exposition finale, qui a lieu en fin de séjour au sein de l’Alliance Française de Wrocław.

Si le travail est ainsi très fructueux, nous avons tout même le temps et le loisir de profiter du séjour au travers de temps d’échanges informels lors de repas et de soirées interculturelles, très enrichissants sur le plan personnel.

Le groupe aura d’ailleurs l’occasion d’être à nouveau réuni lors du second temps de l’échange qui lui se déroulera l’automne 2013 à Lille et qui se terminera par une exposition finale à la Gare Saint Sauveur. L’exposition sera inaugurée par Martine Aubry le jour de la signature officielle du jumelage de Wrocław et Lille.


Crédit photo : Matthias Crépel

Réalisation graphique : Nicolas Sekulak

Green Touch – Echange de jeunes

Green Touch L1043866

Youth exchange and exhibition | Austria, France, Georgia and Ukraine | Photography, graphic arts | September 2011 | Villeneuve d’Ascq (59)

During 10 days, 25 participants from Austria, France, Georgia and Ukraine shared their daily life in an ecological farm at the periphery of the big city of Lille. The aim was to exchange together on the topic of the nature in the city and to work on the creation of a street exhibition, presented on the 3rd of September at the front of the City hall of Villeneuve d’Ascq (suburb of Lille).

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Arrived on the 26th of August, the first step was to prepare the living place: building tents, setting their stuff, organizing the collective life and agreeing on rules to respect and on a planning for the different tasks to do during all the exchange. On the evening, Georgian group cooked a nice barbecue tasting like exotic food for all of us.

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On Saturday, once those logistic stuffs were done, it was time to build up the team with small games and to check individual and collective expectations. On the afternoon, the all group get a small training to photograph: framing, composition, shots, dynamism and how to give deep sense to photographs etc… and went to practice to the park surrounding the farm.

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On the evening, Ukrainian team organized a nice traditional meal, waryniki, and prepared a national evening opened to the local community. This allowed around ten people from local community and all the Youth Exchange participants to discover a bit more Ukraine thanks to folk and cultural animations, traditional clothes, videos, small games and food tasting.

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On Sunday, participants went to Lille to the one of the biggest market of France, ‘Marché de Wazemmes’, in order to make participants aware of the short circuit of goods. It was also an occasion for them to discover the multicultural dimension of France. On the way back to the farm, they stepped to the Contemporary Art museum of Villeneuve d’Ascq and discovered this renewed amazing art collection in order to stimulate their creativity.


On the evening, Georgian prepared their national evening opened to local community. Once again, it was a successful initiative with traditional clothes, nice videos, food tasting and small artisanal objects from their country.

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On Monday started the core of the project, after small energizers and ice-breaking games, the debate was open: For what you can thank your country for protecting environment and what more can be done? It was really interesting to see differences between the four countries. As we could imagine, Austrian was the most advanced country for the protection of environment but it was interesting to discover the new and original steps taken by Georgia and Ukraine to fight against pollution. It was also interesting to share decisions of our countries, especially France towards nuclear energy. The workshop by team started on the afternoon, every team agreed on what and how they wanted to prepare their part of the exhibition (photography, video and manual activities).

After eating Georgian meal, we prepared for them a nice closed French evening as a journey through French history starting from the French revolution and ending in our typical Bistrot from the North of France, stepping to Moulin Rouge, mine coal time and May 1968.


On Tuesday morning, team worked again on the exhibition. On the afternoon, animator from the farm organized for us a nice orientating course through the lake on the topic of pollination. Thanks to different small enigmas, participants had to find clues and objects related to the process of pollination. The ending point was an archaeological museum and they enjoyed a guided tour.


Getting back to the farm, it was time to start preparing the French meal, crêpes and the Austrian evening. Austrian evening was also the opportunity to discover traditions, history and tastes and see differences and common points with each participant’s countries.

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On Wednesday, after one working morning, participants could enjoy a nice afternoon and tried the magic balls (transparent plastic balls into which we enter and with which we can walk on the water). As the exhibition was coming soon, some of them start again working on the photographs, video and manual creations. The evening was dedicated to Europe and small games were prepared by the leaders’ teams.


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On Thursday, we worked hard to finish the exhibition. We went for that in the city center to take the last pictures and videos missing. Getting back to the farm, it was time to work on it, select the final photographs that had been taken and agree on the order to exhibit it, make the final video editing and changing sound, and creating decorations. As it was much work, we kept on working during the evening after having enjoyed a tasty Austrian meal.

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On Friday, participants left early to go to visit the nice Belgium city of Tournai… Getting back to the farm, it was time to finalize the exhibition: preparing the photographs, the final videos and manual creations and packing everything to be ready for the next day morning.


Saturday was the big ending day. We arrived at 11 o’clock in the city center and started to set up everything. After one hour of work, our exhibition was done and we could finally see and appreciate the huge work that has been done during all those days of working. Then, we start to explain our project to people steeping to the square, foreign participants could share a bit about their country and time in France, and we could give some information about the European Program for Youth in Action.

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Unfortunately, a storm was planned for the end of the afternoon. Thus, we had to pack everything quite early. This was not as bad as announced and participants could go to Lille city center and enjoy the big event Braderie de Lille. Going back earlier to the farm because of the rain, we had a nice ending party in a storm mood!

Sunday was the departure day and on the morning, the participants left and we stayed between French group a bit sad and tipsy thanks to this amazing and fast week we spent all together.