Video workshops and exhibitions | 2015 | Faubourg de Béthune, Lille (59)
In the framework of its action within the neighbourhood of Faubourg de Béthune, the association organises participatory video workshops, willing to lead inhabitants to discover their heritage, their close environment, and let them express themselves creating a short animated movie.
Hence, during April vacations, we worked alongside Claire Jeandroz – videographer of Film des Deux Mains – with a group of twenty people from the neighbourhood, on the making of a short animated movie.
They benefitted from a discovery of the neighbourhood’s history and from a visit to the Departmental Archives of the North, located in Faubourg de Béthune, after which they could make their short movie about how they envisioned their ideal neighbourhood. They used the pixilisation technique by creating decors; by photographing their creations and by writing short poems for the voice-over.
Discover the movie:
This action has been financed by the Fondation SNCF, la politique de la Ville, the neighbourhood’s town hall and the Fond de Participation des Habitants. It has been led with the support of the Social Centre Project and the Departmental Archives.
For more information on our project “Build your Neighbourhood”: click here