Appel à artistes (Street Art, graffiti) expérimentés

Formation européenne | Utilisation du Street Art dans le travail de jeunesse | Volos (Grèce) | juin 2017

Histoire de Savoirs recherche 2 artistes graffiti expériementés français pour prendre part à la formation européenne « UrbanArtVenture II » organisée par Jugend and Kulturprojekt e.V. et Urban Act Greece, qui portera  sur l’utilisation du Street Art comme méthode et outil pour le travail avec les jeunes, dans un objectif de favoriser le dialogue socioculturel et l’inclusion sociale. Elle se déroulera du 12 au 21 septembre 2017 à Volos.

Vous découvrirez un résumé du projet en anglais ci-dessous.

Vous pouvez aussi découvrir la première édition d’UrbanArtVenture 2015 à Thessalonique sur Facebook : UrbanArtVentures

Conditions de participation : savoir s’exprimer en anglais et frais de participation de 50€. L’ensemble des frais (transports, logements, restauration…) sont pris en charge par les progremmes Erasmus +.

Pour toutes informations complémentaires, vous pouvez découvrir l’infopack

urban_art_ventures_ii_info_pack_jkpev (1)

ou nous contacter au 07 62 73 16 04 ou par mail :

Pour candidater, vous pouvez remplir le formulaire


et nous le retourner accompagné d’un book ou d’un lien vers votre site web, à l’adresse :

30 participants – youth workers, street artists and art educators from France, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Serbia and Spain will have the opportunity to share and develop together methods, tools and best practices incorporating street art in youth work. Some of the youth workers that represent our partners have already used street art in community projects.

The UrbanArtVentures II project aims to use street art as a method and learning tool in youth work in European and community projects as it is inclusive and accessible to young people from different backgrounds.

Street artists are very popular with young people and they have their « own way » to influence young people with fewer opportunities to use their creative and artistic skills and learn this form of art. This way we would like to engage young people and young people with fewer opportunities to participate actively in the civil society and be decision makers. Some of our partners do a lot of community street art projects involving young people and young people with fewer opportunities.

UrbanArtVentures II seeks to lay emphasis on fostering sociocultural dialogue in order to foster social inclusion and integration, cultural diversity and free expression. Young people with fewer opportunities and refugees are the main focus of the project.

The objectives and expected results of the UrbanArtVentures project are the following:
– incorporating urban/street art in youth work and non-formal education by bringing together street artists, youth workers and art educators and fostering interdisciplinary cooperation;
– using urban/street art as tool for social dialogue, inclusion and integration promoting cultural diversity, social change, free expression and human rights;
– using urban/street art to integrate and include people with fewer opportunities with focus on young refugees;
– making street art inclusive and accessible by inviting young people and young people with fewer opportunities to join some open to the public activities;
– regenerating and revitalising dilapidated buildings and places and turning public spaces into open-air galleries; this way people who have no connection to street art will become more familiar with this form of art;
– developing an international network of partners that use urban/street art as a learning tool to promote EU values, active citizenship and human rights;
– using public space for self-expression, conveying messages and for fostering collaborative work.

The methodology that will be used is the following: presentations of best practices; using street art in community and European youth projects, graffiti, mural art, stencil workshops, collaborative and group work (street artists working together with youth workers and art educators), study-visits to public spaces where street art has transformed them into open air galleries, open to the public street art workshops, round-table discussions, plenary sessions, team-building activities, name-games, energisers and warm up activities.

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